Category Archives: Blogroll


I visit the blog of a chap named “Gitwizard” most every day.

He is a bike rider, a tree hugger, a bit of a photographer, a WWOOFer and an all-round nice guy.

He also creates buttons for some members of his blogroll.

I was stunned when I received an email from him yesterday asking if I minded a button he had created being used on his blog.

Mind? – – – MIND? I’m so chuffed I’m rolling down the rails! Whoo hooo!

And I notice I’m in the company of Daddy P and Blond oop Norff. That is exalted company indeed.

Photo Hunt; Shadow

Just a simple palm tree shadow on some lawned ground.

Taken this morning in a panic because I didn’t have any suitable shadows. Only reflections.

Poulet Sir Prize Award

One of my favourite bloggers is Honjii.

For some reason she seems to think I deserve an award.

This much coveted award is for bloggers who have a sense of humor and are smarter than a and not too chicken to say what they think.

1. Proudly display the award on your blog with a link back to Honjii and a link back to the blogger, along with his/her name, who chose to award your blog.
2. Bestow this award, along with the rules, on a minimum of three blogs.
3. Contact the bloggers you’ve chosen and let them know of their incredibly life-altering good news.
4. Swear on your first born, or whatever you hold dear, never to mention these blogging awards are created by other self-serving bloggers trying to get more traffic altruistic bloggers who wish nothing more than to acknowledge a blog well done.

In keeping with the rules of the award, I hereby pass it on to DaisyFae, Daddy Papersurfer and  the thinking woman’s bit of crumpet, Kyknoord

An “In” Joke

I do apologise for this.

I have a blog-fiend who will find this of interest. When he isn’t dunking gingernuts.

Everyone else may carry on as usual. The quiz will be up soon.

Censored Nude Camel Toes and Beavers

Every day I check the statistics on my blog. Just the total visitors. After all I am not a fanatic.


But occasionally I look at the other statistics WordPress provides. It is interesting (to me) to see what brings people to my blog.

So here are the ten most viewed articles on the archive over the past 30 days.

Pornography, Censorship and Art. Same old, Same old!

The Best Camel Toe Picture Ever Taken

Nude Gymnastics and Swimming

Second Best Camel Toe Picture Ever Taken

Shaving Her Beaver

Nine Inch Nails Meets Harry Potter

The Seven Dwarves

Blonde Chick with a Nice Pussy

What Is The Speed Of Light?

It is fascinating that top of the list is a serious article although I realise it has only gained popularity because Google decided to use the image of a young girl from that post as their top image for a search on “Bill Henson”.

I’m not sure just why an image lifted from “Looks Just Like” has jumped up into sixth spot or why three innocuous cartoons are in the list.

The entry which leaves me shaking my head is at number 10. Out of 3,399 posts on the archive (this is post No. 3,400) a serious – well, sort of –  post on science rates this highly. It doesn’t seem to fit with the other nine which could be grouped as “Sex, Celebrity and Censorship”.

A Welcome Gift

I dropped in at my favourite female curmudgeon’s blog a couple of days ago, in the midst of a huge “Connectivity Issue” which was afflicting my ISP (Internet ‘Scuses Provider), and found an unexpected gift. The best sort.


Except I AM not, and have NEVER BEEN “Lovely”. I will accept “handsome”, “irresistible”, “masculine” or possibly, in a pinch and with a minimum of chunderous reaction, “Cute”.

But NOT “Lovely”.

I do appreciate the thought and now must find 15 people to pass it on to.

This is MY list and I am not taking into account the lists of other bloggers. So, if you end up with more than one of these little roses, take it as a compliment that you have more than one friend. (You’re lucky!)

Oh yes, first the RULES!

The rules for this rolling award are passed down as follows:

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you love and/or have newly discovered.

3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

4. Use the One Lovely Blog award picture from my blog, on your blog to let everyone know that you have one lovely Blog!

So, my fifteen choices as lovely blogs are; [pause for drumroll]

First and second, my Posse of Daisy’s, daisy fae and daisy mae.

And, of course the bookelicious Woo.

Next, photographers extraordinaire, KymRJ Flamingo, and Helen Edith, and the incurable bookaholic, Cathy , then, in no particular order of sexual orientation, nationality, alphabeticity or age are casa az, SilverstarPuddock, The GitwizardLinda, Daddy P, Wandering Coyote, and the imaginitive  Petramichelle.

Ok, I’ll Be Brave!

As a part of my occasional series on the tasteful subject of urinals, may I present another scary set of these necessary items.

Found over at phil’s place

Vale, Mrs Moneypenny

Oops, it is Ms Moneypenny, isn’t it. My Bad!

Bond: What can I bring you from Amsterdam?

Moneypenny: A diamond… in a ring…

Bond: Would you settle for a tulip?

Moneypenny: Yes.

The actress who starred as Ms Moneypenny in a string of James Bond movies, Lois Maxwell, has died in a Western Australian hospital.

80 years old, Ms Maxwell was born in Canada and acted in a number of Hollywood movies before landing the role of Moneypenny.

She played the character in 14 James Bond movies before moving to Perth where she lived until her death.

A spokeswoman for Fremantle Hospital said Ms Maxwell died late on Saturday night.


Hey, it’s my blog!

I can indulge myself.

And here is an indulgence.

Your Thought and Mine

One of my favourite poets is Kahlil Gibran. Known best for his distillation of wisdom, “The Prophet”, he wrote a lot more which is not as widely read.

Like all good poets, there is a touch of prophecy in his writings.

Writing in the time of Mussolini and Franco and Hitler, in this piece I find prescient echoes of Bush and Bin Laden, Mugabe and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Howard and Putin.

And I know it doesn’t rhyme.


Your thought is a tree rooted deep in the soil of tradition and whose branches grow in the power of continuity. My thought is a cloud moving in the space. It turns into drops which, as they fall, form a brook that sings its way into the sea. Then it rises as vapour into the sky.

Your thought is a fortress that neither gale nor the lightning can shake. My thought is a tender leaf that sways in every direction and finds pleasure in its swaying.

Your thought is an ancient dogma that cannot change you nor can you change it. My thought is new, and it tests me and I test it morn and eve.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought allows you to believe in the unequal contest of the strong against the weak, and in the tricking of the simple by the subtle ones. My thought creates in me the desire to till the earth with my hoe, and harvest the crops with my sickle, and build my home with stones and mortar, and weave my raiment with woollen and linen threads.

Your thought urges you to marry wealth and notability. Mine commends self-reliance.

Your thought advocates fame and show. Mine counsels me and implores me to cast aside notoriety and treat it like a grain of sand cast upon the shore of eternity.

Your thought instils in your heart arrogance and superiority. Mine plants within me love for peace and the desire for independence.

Your thought begets dreams of palaces with furniture of sandalwood studded with jewels, and beds made of twisted silk threads. My thought speaks softly in my ears, “Be clean in body and spirit even if you have nowhere to lay your head.”

Your thought makes you aspire to titles and offices. Mine exhorts me to humble service.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought is social science, a religious and political dictionary. Mine is simple axiom.

Your thought speaks of the beautiful woman, the ugly, the virtuous, the prostitute, the intelligent, and the stupid. Mine sees in every woman a mother, a sister, or a daughter of every man.

The subjects of your thought are thieves, criminals, and assassins. Mine declares that thieves are the creatures of monopoly, criminals are the offspring of tyrants, and assassins are akin to the slain.

Your thought describes laws, courts, judges, punishments. Mine explains that when man makes a law, he either violates it or obeys it. If there is a basic law, we are all one before it. He who disdains the mean is himself mean. He who vaunts his scorn of the sinful vaunts his disdain of all humanity.

Your thought concerns the skilled, the artist, the intellectual, the philosopher, the priest. Mine speaks of the loving and the affectionate, the sincere, the honest, the forthright, the kindly, and the martyr.

Your thought advocates Judaism, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. In my thought there is only one universal religion, whose varied paths are but the fingers of the loving hand of the Supreme Being.

In your thought there are the rich, the poor, and the beggared. My thought holds that there are no riches but life; that we are all beggars, and no benefactor exists save life herself.

You have your thought and I have mine.

According to your thought, the greatness of nations lies in their politics, their parties, their conferences, their alliances and treaties. But mine proclaims that the importance of nations lies in work – work in the field, work in the vineyards, work with the loom, work in the tannery, work in the quarry, work in the timberyard, work in the office and in the press.

Your thought holds that the glory of the nations is in their heroes. It sings the praises of Rameses, Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, and Napoleon. But mine claims that the real heroes are Confucius, Lao-Tse, Socrates, Plato, Abi Taleb, El Gazali, Jalal Ed-din-el Roumy, Copernicus, and Pasteur.

Your thought sees power in armies, cannons, battleships, submarines, aeroplanes, and poison gas. But mine asserts that power lies in reason, resolution, and truth. No matter how long the tyrant endures, he will be the loser at the end.

Your thought differentiates between pragmatist and idealist, between the part and the whole, between the mystic and materialist. Mine realizes that life is one and its weights, measures and tables do not coincide with your weights, measures and tables. He whom you suppose an idealist may be a practical man.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought is interested in ruins and museums, mummies and petrified objects. But mine hovers in the ever-renewed haze and clouds.

Your thought is enthroned on skulls. Since you take pride in it, you glorify it too. My thought wanders in the obscure and distant valleys.

Your thought trumpets while you dance. Mine prefers the anguish of death to your music and dancing.

Your thought is the thought of gossip and false pleasure. Mine is the thought of him who is lost in his own country, of the alien in his own nation, of the solitary among his kinfolk and friends.

You have your thought and I have mine.

John Howard Aiding Burma’s Dictators?

Australia’s PM, the aging John Howard, has been warning the Australian electorate against voting into power a Rudd-led Labor Government which is “In thrall to the Trades Unions.”

The corollary is that by electing John Howard’s tired Liberals back in for another three years, Australia will have an honest and unfettered Government beholden only to Australia.

Not to any petty outside interests.

Australia’s Liberal Government is showing its independence of outside influence by following much of the rest of the world by apparently imposing sanctions on the vicious military rulers of Burma.

Prime Minister John Howard says Australia will further tighten visa restrictions on Burmese officials and consider imposing targeted financial sanctions. A spokesman for the Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, said last night that the Australian sanctions were aimed at the regime. “They are not targeting Australian businesses.”

Harold “The threat of greenhouse warming is minor compared to the threat of greenhouse governance.” Clough, engineering multi-millionaire and Board Member of the politically conservative Institute of Public Affairs together with his sons Bill and John are the sole directors of McRae Investments Pty Ltd, which has put up funds for a joint venture with a Burmese military entity.

Twinza Oil is that joint venture, between McRae Investments and the Burmese military’s Ministry of Oil and Gas Enterprise. Alexander Downer’s claims that Australia has limited involvement in Burma is, yet again, a convenient “Tampa”-ering with the truth by the Liberals.

Just how accurately “aimed at the regime” are these “sanctions”?

It was reported by the Sydney Morning Herald that Harold Clough said, “Up until now, Australia was one of the few countries that has not had sanctions (against Burma), and I believe sanctions are very counterproductive.”

Greens Senator, Kerry Nettle has said, “The Prime Minister should be concerned that such a strong backer of the Liberal Party is working with the Burmese military.”

Even if John Howard now bans further investment by Clough in this joint venture it will be too late for him to be able to claim that he has not been and is not being influenced by “Big Business”. Our choice in the soon-to-be-held election will be between a Rudd who is interested in the people of Australia and a Howard who is being manipulated like a string puppet by the greedy few who own the big companies in Australia.

Burma’s brutal Military is killing ordinary Burmese men, women and children in Rangoon using bullets which are being paid for by influential Liberal Party supporters!

BBC Quiz of the Week

Ooops. a day late but here it is.

The BBC News Quiz of the Week

I got another 5/7 which was not snappy enough.

Strange World# 7; One Million Stolen Screws

A German factory worker stole over a million screws from his employer and skewed the market with his cheap stolen goods, police said on Friday.”In the end, it became obvious that screws were being sold for much less than they usually cost,” said a spokesman for police in the southern city of Wuerzburg.

Over two years, the 33-year-old assembly plant worker smuggled between 2,000 and 7,000 screws out of work each night, and auctioned them on an Internet site, police said.

The scheme cost his firm around 110,000 euros (AUD$177,202).

The man confessed after officers raided his home.

Photo Hunt # 77; Original

In June 2003 I bought my first digital camera.

A Pentax Optio 330GS.

With 3.2 mega pixals it was not state of the art at that time but was close.

This is the first image I recorded with that camera. My original Digital Image.


In the four years since,  says he checking the digital counters, I have taken nearly 20,000 images with this camera and over 10,000 with the SLR I now use most of the time.

St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Subiaco, Western Australia

In 1896 the Sisters of St John of God arrived in Western Australia to help care for the sick. They initially “set up shop” in the private home of a well-respected but recently deceased leader of the Catholic community, Bernard Smith*.

While this was a good place to begin their ministry, it was not suitable as a long-term hospital site. After several years it was decided that a purpose-designed hospital should be built near the railway line in the near-Perth suburb of Subiaco.

A small convent was built along with the new St John of God Hospital.

St Joseph’s, Subiaco

The Hospital was built on the other side of the road and remains in use today, along with many modern additions.

In 1933 an impressive new church was built for hospital patients and their families as well as the locals in the developing suburb.

St Joseph’s, Subiaco

Impressive as the external architecture is, the inside of the church is equally grand.

St Joseph’s, Subiaco St Joseph’s, Subiaco

The reason all of this is worthy of note is that Subiaco is undergoing large scale urban renewal. The railway line has been put underground and this has opened up new land for development. Many old buildings have been removed and modern, multi-story luxury residential units are being erected.

I was in the area last week and saw the convent and church as I have never seen them before. The buildings masking this final view have been removed and will be replaced by one of these large residential hives.

This view, partly from the rear of both Convent and Church will not be seen for possibly another century.

St Joseph’s, Subiaco

* Great Great Grandfather of regular commentor on this blog, genius genealogist and spouse, Buff.