Tales From The Roman Cafeterium



Stories of Verbo Ipsum,

the most evil punster in all of Ancient Rome.

128 pages, privately published 2016, available from the author.

Success Print again did a wonderful job.
A tad more expensive that I would have liked but that is Australian publishing.

Base cost is $18.00 in my hand, book in your hand.

If we cannot meet in person, then postage and handling comes into play.

Book + P&H then are

AUSTRALIA  – $18 + $3 = $Au 21.00

 UK  &  USA  – $18 + $9 = $Au 27.00

PAYPAL NOT YET SET UP – they have changed things around and I am finding it hard to grasp the changes!

Should you wish to use direct deposit.

John McLennan – Bank – ANZ

BSB 016080 Acct No. 279013967

This is only recommended for Australian residents as currency exchange can be brutal.

Posting will happen on the next working day following receipt of payment
and the receival of your postal address via email at


Thank you all for your encouragement.