Who Replaces Tony Abbott

The growing instability of Tony Abbott must be concerning the Liberal Party members of Federal Parliament..

With his bullying style and erratic policy announcements, there seems to be a danger that the electorate will soon grow tired of this deeply flawed man. The unlosable 2013 election may be in unexpected doubt. Newspoll this coming week is tipped to show a big swing against the Coalition.

Once the Carbon Tax is in place and operating, Tony Abbott will have lost his Raison d’être and will be ripe for the toppling. That is a scary prospect because of Abbott’s life-long tendency to rage. As recalled by his fellow students at Sydney University, he was not above vendettas and violent threats.

He was a very offensive, a particularly obnoxious sort of guy,” said Barbie Schaffer, a Sydney teacher who was at Sydney University with Mr Abbott.

“He was very aggressive, particularly towards women and homosexuals”.

Published university reports show that after a narrow defeat in the university senate elections in 1976 – Mr Abbott’s first year of an economics-law degree – he kicked in a glass panel door.

Once they raise their courage to the sticking point, and have organised additional insurance for the Liberal Party Room in Parliament House, the Liberal members will need to find a replacement in secret because this is not going to be a pretty sight. It will be sudden and it will be decisive. And Abbott will be extremely unhappy!

Everyone will be on edge, possibly hiding away from scrutiny. Questions running through all their minds must be, “Who is there to replace him? Could it be me?”

Here is your chance to assist in that difficult decision. After four years of not being allowed to think for themselves, the Liberal caucus needs some guidance.

Note: Bananaby Joyce and Chris Uhlmann will not be candidates! Janet Albrechtson, Andrew Bolt and Ray Hadley are only write-in candidates.

After making your choice, have a guess at the date of what Twitter has dubbed #libspill. Remember any move will need to be far enough out from the coming election so the electorate can become comfortable with the new incumbent.

My choice is 13th August. That is the day before the first sitting day of the Spring session. It allows just over 12 months to the next election.

Leave your guess in the comments below. While minimum identification is required, I do not moderate comments, except to remove gross foul language.

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