Australian Bloody Mindedness!

I find it interesting, and passing strange that a species with such a short memory span and even shorter tempers has spread so far across the earth’s surface and even considers itself the pinnacle of evolution.

Let us consider just a few events of this century and how we, as a species, have reacted.

Firstly, here in Australia, in the distant past, we had a communications network, run by the Government. It ended up being called Telstra and in private hands and in competition with a foreign entity known as Optus!

Telstra was far to close, in people’s minds, to the Government and so came in for a lot of criticism from the ordinary communicator or consumer. So much so that a lot of people left Telstra and decided to trust the Optus group. Because it was, and still is, either/or!

The Telstra service was poor, the Telstra personel were unhappy and Telstra was – well – it just wasn’t up to standard! And this was a decades-long attitude and people hated Telstra.

Optus was new and bright and shiny.

Then it had a hack from outsiders and inconvenienced a lot of its customers. And a year later it had a 12 hour breakdown which took it out of action accross Australia. Leading to screams of outrage.

So much so that many people immediately began leaving the inefficient and apparently troubled Optus, returning to Telstra whose past faults have suddenly been forgotten.

Sooooo – let us now look at the political world within Australia.

For the first eight years of this century, we had a Government which failed in humanity AND in economics Then for five years we had a Government which did reasonbly well with its humanity and some brilliant economic work. Being human, there were a couple of alleged mistakes made and so for nearly a decade we had yet another Government which became increasingly incompetent at both! Finally, for the past couple of years we have had a Government which is trying to repair all the damage.

Yet our attention-span is so short that we are already beginning to long for a change away from such competence.

Through it all, we, as Australian Homo Sapiens Sapiens, have ignored the final effects of Climate Change in pursuit of this week’s bottom line.

The past is forgotten in favour of the ever-changing NOW!

The Future is ignored because of the apparent safety of the NOW.

Could it be that we ARE the pinnacle of evolution? Because Evolution will need to begin all over again by the time we have stopped causing Climate Change.

I am beginning to see a pattern here – – –

Can you?

One response to “Australian Bloody Mindedness!

  1. Individuals are intelligent. People are not. Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity explains the world today as accurately and astutely as it did in the events leading up to World War II.


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