Tag Archives: danger

Odd Shots on Monday #2

When I went to Cottesloe Beach last weekend for my visit to Sculpture by the Sea I was a little wary about parking where I did.

Directly over the road was this sign!

I was lucky! No broken windows on my return.


Photo Hunt #96, Heavy

Out here in the desert we have a lot of very dry weather.

But February and March are the months of the “Big Wet”.

Trying to find a photo for this week’s photo hunt was hard until I thought of the HEAVY rain we had a couple of nights ago.

It washed away part of our road and could have had tragic consequences. Luckily everyone was OK and even the vehicle was rescued.


We needed HEAVY machinery to save the day.  Note how the vehicle was tilting further over.


Just 24 hours later, today, everything is calm again. Except that the road is only half its normal width.

You can see the wheel mark on the right of this photo. Another foot over the edge and the vehicle would have rolled right over!


During the afternoon of the storm I was videoing my house in the rain and I received a BIG surprise!

Is This Why They Are Called “Cell” Phones?

I discovered this little lecture over on “A Simple Life“. It seems too important not to share.

I spent about an hour on my mobile last night so I fear my brains may well be scrambled! Or at least cooked.

Scary stuff!


1 Egg
2 Mobiles
65 minutes of connection between mobiles.
We assembled something as per image:




Initiated the call between the two mobiles and allowed 65 minutes approximately…
During the first 15 minutes nothing happened;
25 minutes later the egg started getting hot;
45 minutes later the egg is hot;
65 minutes later the egg is cooked.




Conclusion: The immediate radiation of the mobiles has the potential to modify the proteins of the egg. Imagine what it can do with the proteins of your brains when you do long calls.


Please try to reduce long time calls on mobile phones.