Tag Archives: Photo Hunt

Photo Hunt; Pink

This is one of the strange Australian blooms.

A Callistemon. Commonly called a Bottlebrush.

This one is a dark pink but they range from white, yellow and green through to orange, pink and red.


Photo Hunt; Walking

“Now don’t go running everywhere children.”

“Stay in line.”

“Hurry up, you three at the back.”


Photo Hunt; Hands

Hands are good for holding and cuddling things.

Even Thorny Devils, which are not half as spiky as they seem. Not that they are ever even remotely cuddly.


Photo Hunt; Four

This sent me searching through my archives convinced I would never find a “Four”.

When suddenly I found a shot I took about a year ago.

So here are Four Wheels!


Photo Hunt; Warm

Living in the desert it is easy to become blasè about the warmth and the heat.

Every now and then there is a scene which highlights the temperature.

The smoke rising to its self-created clouds is one hint, the second is not as noticable.

Down on the ground, to the left of the main smoke plume, is a small flash of brown rising slightly into the sky.

It is the beginning of a “Willy Willy” a wind rotation which occurs on still, hot days. They can reach a thousand metres into the air and can be quite violent at ground level.

Small tornadoes in a clear sky.

This one was not a large one, just a small hint at what could happen.


Photo Hunt; Nautical

Click on the image above for more photo hunters.

Not much more nautical than this.

Despite the recession we are apparently suffering, the iron ore keeps on heading out of Australia to China.

This is a bulk ore ship coming into Port Hedland, yesterday morning, to pick up yet more iron for China to on-sell to the rest of the world.


The grey sky and the general haziness of the photograph is due to the smoke haze in the air.

Where did the smoke come from?

All the way from Victoria. The prevailing winds from the southerly change which turned the bushfires there into killers blew on up the east coast of Australia and then swung west across the top end. It arrived in Punmu on Wednesday night and I drove in it for 600 Km, could not see the sun except as a pale yellow orb at sunset on Thursday, flew to Perth and could not see the ground from 33,000 ft for the first hour of a two hour flight!

Those fires have been huge!

Sorry for drifting from the nautical theme but, at the moment, everything in Australia is about those fires.

Photo Hunt; Furry

Here in the desert there are very few “furries”.

Most critters are feathered, scaled or chitined.

So I went into my archives and, while I am not sure if “furry” and woolly” are the same, I couldn’t resist the querelous look on this little lamb’s face.


Photo Hunt; Wide

This weekend I am traveling 600Km into Port Hedland to pick up some stuff for the store I manage.

I have set up a number of blog posts to self publish during my absence so you will hardly know that I am not here. Please behave yourselves while I am away. Yes, Daddy P, this means you.

On the road I will have a good clear run.

Unless I come up against one of these wide loads.

VERY wide loads.


Photo Hunt #120; Cloud/s

Head on over to tnChick’s home for more “Cloudy” Photo Hunts.

Photo Hunt #119; Hanging

Head on over to tnChick’s home for more “Hanging” Photo Hunts.

Photo Hunt #117; Pointed

On a visit to Coral Bay, I needed to know where the boats were launched.

I had been told that it was “out on the point”.

I got a little confused and lost my way.

So I asked a little Welcome Swallow where I should go and he pointed me in the right direction.

After thanking him, I turned left and there was the point.

Coral Bay is a very friendly place.

To join the Hunt, visit tnChick.

Photo Hunt #115; Water

The outback of Australia is normally dry.  Very dry!

April 2006 was near the end of the “Wet” and the Shaw River was becoming shallower.

We were unsure of the condition of the road surface beneath the water and I wanted some photographs. So I went through first.

Very cautiously.

Then I set up and watched the rest of the convoy come through.

It wasn’t really deep but the flow was definitely dragging the wheels downstream. I was standing in the water and even at ankle depth there was power in the water.

And so we all got through – and as the lead car reached shallower water, the driver speeded up, successfully splashing me!

I was able to shield the camera.

Photo Hunt #114; Emotion/s

Emotions are not something I am good at. I am a repressed male and flap my hands uselessly when confronted with tears or conflict.

So I will use some photographic metaphor.


This one is either total exhaustion or


And this guy is simply exasperated!

He has too much pride to take bad puns lyin’ down!

I think I touched a raw nerve.

Photo Hunt #112; A Part of Myself

Once again a very difficult subject.

So many parts, so few photos. I rarely take images of myself.

So this week, after much reflection and cogitation, I chose a very important part of myself.

Without this part I would be unable to do many of the things which makes me human.

My opposable thumb. Grasping at the intangible.

Photo Hunt #111; Shoes

Being a male I don’t do shoes. Not as a fashion accessory.

I wear them when I have to. Like on a bush track where I may need to stomp on a reptilian head before it injects me with the venom de jour. Even then I like the ability to remove them quickly and often.

Looking through my photograph collection (all 30 Gb of it), I have found I do not even record images of them. Not deliberately, anyway.

However, I was able to find one image which had a number of shoes and boots. In the desert, when a vehicle breaks down, it is all hands to the wheel until it is fixed.

This time it was the brake shoes on the vehicle’s feet and it took a while to fix them,