Five Eateries

The in-es and es timable Bill Blunt, has, quite bluntly, tagged me in an “Eateries” meme.

He has given me the task of nominating five of my favourite nosheries.

I do not eat out in lots of places and some of those I do eat in are places where I enter with my cap pulled down over my face and with a decided slouch which serves to disguise me from those who would mock my choices of food.

Such an approach is used when I enter beneath the famous Golden Arches. I am addicted to Bacon and Egg sandwiches. “Maccas” has an acceptable substitute in their B&E McMuffins. Then there are the Hotcakes which are delicious with their fake maple syrup but which I also deny ever eating! Never.

Then there is the eatery on the beach at Scarborough. Scarborough, Western Australia. It has been making hamburgers since 1953. It has added many strange European and Middle Eastern dishes over the decades. Souvlaki, Kebabs and other indecently named foods. In amongst this confusing menu remains the original 1953 hamburger. It is not until you taste it again that you realise just how debased the large burger chains have become.

Subway must rate a mention as it is the only establishment which attempts to keep my weight at an acceptable level. Their 6 inch Club is quite edible when smothered in olives. Which raises another thought – – –

Bruno’s is a pizzaria in Port Hedland and serves some very good Italian food.

While I enjoy eating out, I find it much more satisfying to prepare some of my special dishes in my own kitchen.

I have to tag five new people to continue this meme and so I tag

The sophisticated azahar

The urbane Andrew Goulding

The delightfully eccentric Rocksnsucks

The indecently remote Envelope Filter

And finally, the erratically liberal Former Frontier Editor

6 responses to “Five Eateries

  1. A decidedly eclectic and fast selection, Archie. You almost had me dashing across to the east coast resort of Scarborough to try that c1953 hamburger. But then I realised how geographically challenged I had become in my old age.


  2. Pingback: Five Eateries « Envelope Filter

  3. Sehr geEhrter AerChie

    ….. “Eateries” …. nicht “Greederies”

    Tot siens

    L’Aigle Gris


  4. Bill, I had to be a little more geographically exact as I realised, mid-post, that you are one of the sun and beach deprived. (And Ashes deprived!)

    hERR g EAgLE, I spent too many years of my life treating them as greederies.


  5. note to Archie:

    Gosh yer a vindictive thing, arencha? 😉

    I have graciously acccepted the tag but will not be able to publish my post until I get a couple more photos … sometime next week … maybe …


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