Tag Archives: corruption

The Mike Pezzullo puzzle

Let me ramble a little.

My 78.7 year old brain is a little slow at times nowadays

Sometimes I wonder about the Why’s of politics and political life. I remember a wise person once told me to always follow the money.

So I am puzzling about where the money is when I read that ‘The secretary of the Home Affairs Department, Mike Pezzullo, is asked to step down as an investigation is conducted into text messages he is alleged to have sent to Liberal Party powerbroker, Scott Briggs.’

I see no money being involved here, at least not on the surface.

The text messages appear to have been leaked so that raises the question of who benefits from this leaking. Possibly the leaker and probably the recipient of the leaks. In this case, Channel 9 and its associated newspapers; The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review.

All taking advantage of a secret whistleblower!

Of course, with my rambling and wandering mind, speaking of whistle-blowing, I wonder if civil servants protecting their own arses is why whistleblower Richard Boyle is being prosecuted for disclosing the wrongdoings of the ATO!

And if David McBride remains in the court system because his whistleblowing of material which later formed the basis of “The Afghan Files”, a 2017 ABC expose revealing allegations of misconduct by Australian special forces in Afghanistan, including possible unlawful killings embarrasses some high ranking public servant somewhere in Canberra.

Perhaps, and this is where my old braincells begin to wander down the conspiracy trail, perhaps there is a group of Public ‘Servants’ in Australia committed to protecting their own jobs, reputation and remuneration! They give their elected ‘masters’ the information needed to run the country. Could it be that our elected Ministers are being fed false and selfserving information by their trusted Departmental Secretaries?

Have our leading Public Servants become confused about just where the line should be drawn between their own interests and the interests of the Nation they have promised to serve.

Perhaps we can ignore the money trail in this case and simply follow the trail of self-interest!

God and Power

God and Power

Burgled from I Am your God

Castro Steps Down.

After 49 years, the long-serving leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, is finally stepping down.

Famous for his six hour speeches and for the little acknowledged fact that the Castro regime brought peace and an end to corruption to a war-torn Cuba, Castro has long been the target for jealous American Administrations. Most of those administrations have hated being shown how to run a country with honesty and integrity!

Now President Bush has urged Cubans to “begin a period of democratic transition.”

The US president said the “first step” was for the Cuban Government to release political prisoners, and urged the international community to help build democratic institutions in Cuba.

We’re going to help. The United States will help the people of Cuba realise the blessings of liberty,” he said. “There will be an interesting debate that will arise, eventually. There will be some who say ‘let’s promote stability’, of course, in the meantime, political prisoners will rot in prison and the human condition will remain pathetic in many cases.”

I think George W Bush has finally learned the meaning of “Irony”!