Monthly Archives: July 2014


Sid and Sod #591


From a Roman Wall #42

graphics-romans-528700“Ave, Salve, Good morning.” Libertinaus arrived loudly at the Forum Cafeterium.

“Gratias,Thank you. He said to Nellus as he accepted his beaker of steaming hot caffeinus.

“Mmm – those Greek pastries look delicious this morning. Could I have one of those walnut baklavas, please?” he asked Nellus as he moved towards his seat.

“I saw your brother Quintus at the convivo, the banquet, last night.” he said to Secundus. “I had thought he was going farming with his younger brother Octavius.”

“Ahh, yes.” replied Secundus thoughtfully. “Quintus was always looking for some sort of profession. He played around with being a Scribe for a while then decided to become a Priest for Mithras. He even spent a while promoting Gladiators at the Flavian Amphitheatre. He has not discovered his life’s work as yet.”

“So he wasn’t really serious about becoming a farmer?” asked Libertinus.

Secundus began to explain, “Like Octavius, he was talking about going goat-herding -”

Verbo Ipsum interrupted, “But he was only kidding around.”

roman graffiti

Fallout From the Cathy Hissyfit!

It seems there was an ambush in Melbourne yesterday. A “counsel assisting” had seemed quite friendly when he first asked Jackson questions. This time around, he used her answers along with some newly discovered facts to suggest all is not as it seems in Jacksonville*. Cathy Jackson retaliated with a classic hissy fit!

Much of what follows is based on the assumption, as yet unproven, that Cathy Jackson has committed crimes of various kinds.

The Age was very circumspect for obvious reasons and I shall be the same. Repeating that what follows is based on the possibility that the so far uncharged Cathy Jackson may be found guilty of as yet unstated crimes. With that assumption, there are two major questions to be answered and one delicious piece of irony.

Photo: Louise Kennerley

Photo: Louise Kennerley

Firstly, if Jackson is found  guilty of corruption and of receiving a bribe which appear to be possible charges arising from the events of yesterday’s melt-down.

Lying to the Royal Commission is just one part of her potential problems. It is based on something she did, by herself.

The other not only involves herself. If she accepted a bribe. then someone offered and paid that bribe. Somewhere out there is the real world someone is sh!tting bricks! And that person is probably an employer or an employer’s representative. One of the employing class. The class which is currently running our country.

That means that some, so far un-named, person or persons will be named and embroiled into this situation. It is no longer Jackson alone.

Secondly, if Jackson is found guilty of corruption what effect will this have on Craig Thompson’s conviction? Much of the evidence against him was from Jackson. Should she be convicted of corruption and other crimes, does this open the door for a successful appeal against his conviction by Thompson? Will her evidence be discounted and will there be some chance that there may be perjury charges against Jackson arising from this separate case?

It could well be that Jackson will be hoping for the word ‘Concurrent” to be added to any potential sentences. Even if the Thompson conviction and sentence stand, he will almost certainly be free long before Jackson.

The delicious irony section is that should this Royal Commission into Unions find that the possible crimes extend into the employing class then this will be the second time that a trap set for Unions and others of the Left will be sprung, only to find members of the Right publicly caught in its claws.

Can anyone say, “Another ICAC“?

Yes, this is all based on an assumption of guilt of crimes as yet unspecified by persons as yet unidentified. I can hear the cries of the Right trying to burn me as a strawman. I don’t mind. The truth will be exposed and I can wait.

*Jacksonville – credit to Peter Wicks (@madwixxy) for coining this very useful word.


What Kind of Gambling Are You?

How age appropriate.

Let the record state, I have NEVER played Bingo

You Are Bingo

You are easy going and popular. You have a lot of friends in your life.You are a social person and you enjoy camaraderie. You prefer to do most things with a group of fun people.You love conversation, and you’re happy to chat with almost anyone. You simply like people.

Old friends appreciate your loyalty and good advice. New friends appreciate how friendly you are.

Street Wisdom


coffee (28)

From Woodside Green, Carlton, Melbourne,

Thanks Jacinta.

Poll Sum; 30th July




Lib | ALP



Differential =  834,000 Votes


Polls older than 14 days have been discarded

This week 14,631 people were polled

Data as at Tuesday night, 29th July.

Based on the AEC numbers there were 14722754 enrolled electors for the 2013 election so a fair estimate for the 2016 election is 15,000,000 electors.

The symbolic red and blue bar drawing a line where numbers swing around unpredictably.


Polls Included and Totals Polled.

Three polls discarded, Newspoll 13/07/2014.  Morgan 14/07/2104, Essential 15/07/2014 were deleted.

Four polls, Galaxy 25/07/2014, Morgan 28/07/2014, Newspoll 28/07/2014,  Essential 29/07/2014 were added.



Percentages converted back to Raw Numbers

Simple maths convert the published % to raw numbers using the electors polled.

Liberal and National Party numbers are combined.


Note:- Newspoll lumps PUP voters with “Others”. I split them out at as near to 50-50 as I can with whole numbers. That seems to be how the numbers for other polls fall.

Two Party Preferred


Translating this into electoral numbers,

assuming 15 million electors

we have a National Two Party Preferred of

L-NP 7,083,000 Votes

ALP 7,917,000 Votes

Another major drop in ALP support.

Which leads to – – –



The expected swing back towards the current baseline of about ALP 52.5/47.5 L-NP has now begun in earnest.

It can only be hoped it stops there!


The minor parties will have a major impact come election day.

Here is how they are going.





It seems as though the MH17 effect is continuing to have a beneficial effect on abbott’s numbers. His popularity is increasing and the general concensus across parties is that he is doing a good job. I admit to being in the minority on this question. I predict that abbott’s support will continue to rise until something tragic happens to an Australian abbott has sent to the Ukraine. “Shit happens” won’t cut it then!


Again, what do all the numbers mean for seats? The question asked by sitting members on a personal level and by the electorate as a whole. I have assumed that any swing is uniform Australia wide and that a 2.0% margin over the current TPP will show the seats in play at an election held within a month of today. So – the marginal seat list.


If we assume all seats in play fall to the ALP the Coalition and the Independents will hold 68 seats. ALP and one Green will form a Government with 82 seats, a majority of 14.



Over to you, the discerning reader.




Sid and Sod #590


From a Roman Wall #41

romanscribe“Salutum, Greetings.” Nellus the Barristerus greeted her customers. “Here is your nice hot post prandium caffeinus.”

“Salve, good morning.” Zoophilus and Literatus said together. “Gratias, thanks.”

Secundus arrived and looked closely at Nellus. “You are looking worried this morning.” he said.

“Yes,” she replied. “It is my morning walk in the forest. In winter it is such a problem. So sad.. The trees have lost their leaves and their dryads are all so worried and tense. It destroys the joy of my boletus, mushroom, collecting trips.”

“So you are a member of the Greek cults.” said Zoophilus. “We Romans believe the Dryads all died out when we conquered Greece.”

“I respect what you say Domine, but you are Roman by birth and ancestry, but my mother was Greek and taught me to respect the old tales. I may have to take mushrooms off the menu for a while.”

“Don’t you worry too much.” interrupted Verbo Ipsum. “Spring will be here soon and the Dryads will be able to relax again. The trees will be relieved.”




It Tickled Granny’s Fancy

old joke 28a

old joke 28b

old joke 29a

The Australian Women’s Weekly, Saturday 29 July 1944

Refugees at Sea; 28th July

A record of the attempts

panicking and hopeless people make

To reach Australia, the Land of the Fair Go.


28th July



One of my worries has always been that due to the secrecy of Operation Sovereign Borders I would miss some of the attempts to reach Australia. Even worse, that we may lose asylum seekers who set off yet are never recovered or reported.
Luckily the unofficial  group of “Watchers in the Dark” to which I belong has, as one of its members, Kaye. Last night Kaye contacted me with the information that the 153 asylum seekers who have been landed at Cocos  Keeling Islands have been assigned SIEV (Suspected Irregular Entry Vessel) number 885. Kaye’s previous confirmed SIEV Number was the vessel on December 14th, 2013 which was SIEV 871.
Although I keep this list, and add to it as more asylum seeker boats, which HAVE been stopped so are not really there, are intercepted by Operation Sovereign Borders, it is the result of other’s work. Oliver Laughland ( @oliverlaughland) from the Guardian, Sarah Whyte (@SarWhyte )  from Fairfax and George Roberts (@George_Roberts) from the ABC are the main sources although the Watchers in the Dark are often ahead of both the MSM and my own efforts.
So, when I was given the SIEV number of the vessel which carried 153 Tamils by Kaye last night our immediate fear was that some vessels had been missed off the list, or that some vessels had sunk without trace.
A close look at all non-official reported arrivals has revealed that we, the watchers, can take a big bow. It seems we have broken through all of Morrison’s paranoid secrecy. Every boat is accounted for with no leftovers.



Here is the list of reported attempts to reach Australia. From Mid-December (SIEV 871) and today (SIEV 885) I have reduced the records to “bare bones” by removing much information about the people, concentrating on the boat and added the potential SIEV Numbers in blue.
The only uncertainty I have  is about the vessel from late February which I have designated SIEV 880.

27th June – 153 people ex India. This is now reported by the Guardian as SIEV 885.

23rd June – 1 vessel reported “off North West Australia” by the Guardian. Apprehended by ACV Triton. SIEV 884

12th June “Sithumina” ex Batticaloa, Sri Lanka . SIEV 883

2nd May – 54 from Sri Lanka – intercepted by Sri Lankan Navy. No SIEV Number

27th Mar – “A BOAT carrying about 50 asylum-seekers is heading for Christmas Island ” No further reports of this incident.  SIEV 882

25th Feb – One lifeboat containing about 26 people found on Sth Coast of Indonesia. LIFEBOAT  SIEV 881 ?

21st Feb – THREE vessels reported by “The Weekend Australian” as being turned back since 7th Feb.  Do these three  include SIEV 879 as well as  SIEV 880 & SIEV 881

5th Feb – one vessel returned to Pangandaran. around 31 people all apparently adult males. LIFEBOAT SIEV 878

3rd Feb – Reportedly, ONE vessel intercepted off CI, unknown number of passengers taken into custody. SIEV 879

31st Jan – Reportedly, TWO vessels being pushed back to Indonesian waters by Customs Vessels. (does one end up at Pangandaran?) LIFEBOAT SIEV 878

16th Jan – One lifeboat returned to Sukabumi with 40 adult males from the Middle East (reported 6th Feb) LIFEBOAT SIEV 877

11th Jan – One vessel left Cisarua, West Java with 56 people on board. Put into lifeboat and marooned off coast of Indonesia. SIEV 876

8th Jan – One vessel, returned to South Java from within sight of CI, shots fired, vessel sank close to shore. 25 people + 2 crew. SIEV 875

1st Jan – one vessel off Darwin towed back to Indonesian waters (sometime during this week),, 45 people including 7 women.  SIEV 874

23rd Dec – one vessel, 43 people returned to South Java. SIEV 873

19th Dec – One vessel with 97 asylum seekers. Origins unknown. SIEV 872

14th Dec – 70 refugees of “diverse” origins landed at CI by HMAS Stuart (Sri Lankans, Indians and Middle Easterners) This was definitely SIEV 871 according to Kaye’s records.




arrival list



Street Wisdom

street wisdom 27


Sid and Sod #589


Refugees at Sea; 25th July

A record of the attempts

panicking and hopeless people make

To reach Australia, the Land of the Fair Go.


25th July


Morrison’s Boast About To Bust!

Oliver Laughland of the The Guardian is reporting; “Tamil asylum seekers held at sea will be taken to camp on Australian mainland.  Exclusive: Blow for Australia’s hardline policy as 157 people held at sea to be taken to Curtin detention centre.. . . . . senior sources have told Guardian Australia of the government’s plans. It is understood that the government plans to take the asylum seekers to Curtin detention centre in Western Australia, not Christmas Island. The customs vessel carrying the asylum seekers will land on the Cocos Islands on Saturday.”

It seems the Ocean Protector, carrying 157 Tamil asylum cocos Islandseekers who have been held as prisoners for between three and four weeks, is on its way to the Australian territory of the Cocos Islands, where the Department of Lies, Secrecy and Torture plans to transfer the asylum seekers to the Curtin Airbase on the Australian mainland.

The Ocean Protector has been hidden from view for about a month when it was last seen leaving Darwin on 23rd June. The fact that the legal asylum seekers are being landed at Cocos indicates two things. Firstly the Ocean Protector has been closer to India than Australia, hoping against hope that the Indian Government would take them off Australia’s hands.

Secondly, there are no eyes on Cocos Island to see the physical condition of these people. These men, women and children have been at sea since June 13th. Six weeks! At Cocos no one can see you on a stretcher!

Arrival at Curtin Airbase has that same advantage for the Concentration Camp guards!



Sarah Whyte of The Age has reported “Fairfax Media understands a SkyTraders Airbus 8320 has been booked to travel from Cocos Island to Curtin detention centre in north Western Australia on Saturday. A source said immigration officials had also tried to book accommodation on Cocos Islands on Saturday to facilitate the transfer and flight for the asylum seekers.

Sarah has come to the same conclusion I have below. That this decisiuon is due to bad High Court news.




This decision to give up the propoganda points of “over six months with no illegal arrivals” and “we HAVE stopped the boats” indicates that Morrison and the Government have been receiving some very bad news from their lawyers about the high court case into the legality of their detention under the Maritime Powers Act.

Rather than lose the case and have a precedent they do not want to live with, the Government will change circumstances so that the case does not go to judgement!

That is the way I see it and I don’t care how many people call me cynical!




arrival list


BBC Quiz of the Week


LAST Week:- A pretty miserable week weatherwise here. It has also been a pretty miserable time for anyone flying. there are now THREE recent plane crashes. In future I will only travel by train or car!

Hats and Crowns:- Magic Hands had a disaster last week and has been rewarded for her 1/7 with a week of hat hair.

THIS Week. Somehow I fluked 5/7 this week. How will you go in this week’s quiz?

Previous Dunces

18th July, 1/7, healingmagichands

11th July , 3/7, No hat awarded

4th July, 2/7, healingmagichands

27th June, 2/7, Rob

2oth June, 3/7, No hat awarded

13th June, 1/7, Rob

7th June, 3/7, No Hat awarded

30th May, 4/7, No hat awarded

23rd May, 2/7, Ærchie, healingmagichands

16th May, 3/7 , no hat awarded.

9th May, 2/7, Rob

2nd May, 2/7, Rob

25th Apr, 1/7, Rob


Crown Winners (7/7)

14th Sept, 2012, healingmagichands

28th Sept, 2012, dinahmow

5th Oct, 2012, dinahmow, healingmagichands, Buff

7th Dec, 2012, healingmagichands, Rob

31st May, 2013, dinahmow

14th June, 2013, dinahmow

26th July 2013, dinahmow

9th August 2013, dinahmow

21st Mar, 2014, healingmagichands

Lots of Fun



In the 1930′s & 1940′s when these were published in The Western Mail,

PCishness was not a consideration



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