How Creative Are You?

I found this over at the Casa Az and, while I am not sure of the result, it is interesting.

You Are 85% Creative

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.
Your next creation could be something very great… Or at least very cool!

How Creative Are You?

9 responses to “How Creative Are You?

  1. Archie, you beat me. I only scored 84%. 🙂


  2. Mike, That is near enough. I don’t think the judges could separate us 🙂


  3. Ooooh, and you got colourful paints and a brush! I just got coloured pencils.


  4. I managed a few more points, but I do query your result. I’ve yet to see a paint brush in your hands, but maybe your photography takes the place of oil paints. You are definitely very creative with your photography. I got 90%.


  5. buff, I do not need paint brushes, I can spatter paint as well as any Jackson Pollock person can!


  6. Well, crap. I’m somewhere just south of the dullard level. And with this in mind — “Your creativity may bring you great things someday” — it probably means I’ll soon be making macrame plant hangers at the nursing home.


  7. Linda, Alas, your creativity is with words. Many of your word pictures are far more accessible that the alleged art which festoons the walls of some of our more pretentious galleries.


  8. Personally, I think of it more as a test to find our anarchical propensities than our creativity.


  9. Buff, Oh yes, anarchy rules!


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