
6 responses to “Conjugulation

  1. Round 2 Rashad Thiago needs a KO


    • What is a “Rashad Thiago”? Some sort of under-evolved Homo Semi-Erectus who turns you into a Homo Totally Erectus??

      Did you even read the post or was that second six pack having too much effect?


      • Archie, I suspect Cordell’s comment is a figment of the imagination of a spambot. The name, Cordell, has probably been harvested from a forum somewhere. The “Round 2…” stuff is probably a random tweet harvested from the public Twitter stream.

        All for the purpose of getting your readers to click onto the website behind Cordell’s name. I suggest folks DO NOT do that.

        (Funny cartoon btw. I’ve been trying my hand at cartooning again.)


        • After half a bottle of a very nice dessert wine, I wasn’t completely on the ball. The url has been removed 🙂

          I’m waiting until May when I shall return to Perth permanently and I can do some of those cartoony things I keep thinking about.


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