Odd Shot #10

I’m not even going to explain this shot.

Suffice to say, I found it amongst some old shots and I have no idea where, when or why it was taken.

How odd is that?

But I do know what it is – – –

17 responses to “Odd Shot #10

  1. On reflection, I have an inkling ……….. but the cream should sort that out.


  2. That certainly is odd, Archies!
    Looks like a rear lamp on a car.


  3. Where? Goodness knows. Why? Because you’re perverse and love taking odd shots.


  4. Well it’s very vivid whatever it is. It’ll do for me.


  5. It’s the reflector lens on a vehicle poss/prob covering the light?


  6. I’m glad you know what it is, for I sure don’t!


  7. That is a really cool pic. I really want to know more about it. That sucks that you don’t remember anything about it.


  8. No idea what it is, but it could be a reflector of some kind. To me it looks like fabric.
    Great Odd Shot anyway.


  9. Upon ‘reflection’, i can only say for sure…..it’s a nice bold red.


  10. a bead curtain? with shiny metallic thingies (yes, that’s the technical term for them) strung among the beads?


  11. @ Omnes, Ok, Ok! I’ll ‘fess up. It is the rear reflector on my bicycle. But I still cannot remember just Why I took the photo. 🙂


  12. Well that one’s easy – just add a special reserve Port to the mix and you missed what you were actually trying to shoot….


  13. Well, I sure didn’t think reflector till everyone else said it.

    It looked to be of fabric to me and I was thinking at first of a zipper–a though which I immediately rejected. The zipper thought came to me as I had picked up DH’s leather jacket and seen what he paid to have a new zipper put in. Think national debt!

    I also thought of photos when you didn’t realize you wer pressing the shutter, but it is too perfectly composed for that.


  14. I loved the color of this photo.


  15. hmmm… I would say it is the rear light of a car. Interesting shot, I love it.


  16. My first thought, like Katney’s, was a zipper. I’m seeing disturbing pattern. Every time you post one of your mystery pictures my mind goes right to the crotch (because of course the zipper I see is on a pair of pants). It’s possible I need help.


  17. @honjii, it is an interesting fact that men and women do not look each other in the eye. Men because they are looking a little south of the chin, and women because they appear to be looking quite submissive, eyes downcast. The reality is that the eyes downcast trick is simply a way of being much more discreet than the male.

    Oops – now I have alienated much of my female readership – wahhhhhhhh


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