A Scary Moment in Black and White

200px-harpyIn Greek mythology, the Harpy was a death spirit, a “snatcher”.

Phineas, a king of Thrace, had the gift of prophecy. Zeus, angry that Phineas revealed too much, punished him by putting him on an island with a buffet of food which he could never eat. The harpies always arrived and stole the food out of his hands right before he could satisfy his hunger, and befouled the remains of his food.

I was busy taking pictures of crows last night, eventually using the best in this week’s “Friday’s Feathers”. Hearing an unexpected squawk, I looked around, almost into the lowering sun and I saw the silhouettes of three creatures who were making a dreadful din.

A shudder of primitive fear ran through my veins.


Then I realised they were not evil spirits from my European ancestry but Pink and Grey Galahs settling in to complain at the crows I was photographing.

10 responses to “A Scary Moment in Black and White

  1. That’s two I’ve nicked today ……. ta Archie


  2. Archie, Save that one for next Halloween! The branches alone make for an eerie flavor.


  3. Archie: I truly love your bird photos. So often, I have never seen the species before. That’s Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in their new home, right?


  4. No, I am an evil spirit from your European ancestry !



  5. @ Mr A, Thank you. I don’t often use B&W but sometimes I can make it work 🙂

    @ Daddy P, Coises! Foiled again! (I would like to see the results)

    @ Kym, I thought about that but it was too good to leave that long 🙂 Those types of curling dead branches are the result of fire. Perhaps I should begin looking at them as a subject rather than a prop – – –

    @ Linda, Thank you for those kind words. But you have an evil mind – you know that, don’t you! 😆

    @ Philipa, you are a Norn come out to play?


  6. I love that photo archie


  7. Thank you, Nurse M. I must try some more black and white. The problem is that I expect to fail in some of my attempts because it is such a different medium to colour. I hope people forgive me when that happens.


  8. Whoa–skimming through the reams of Archlit I’ve missed, spotted the woodcut and wondered “Why has Archie got a picture of Ann Coulter on his blog?”


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