Avago, Mate

I dares ya – avago at this one.

The Fair Dinkum, Ridgy Didge, Dinky die, True Blue, Dyed-in-the-wool, Let’s Talk Strine SAO Quiz!

Summary on my results –
Correct answers: 20    Incorrect answers: 0
Comment: You’re a bottler, mate!
You are a fair dinkum, ridgy didge, dinky die, true blue, dyed-in-the-wool Ocker-like strine speaker. Well bugger me, you could probably even play a didgeridoo and know the proper way to twirl a billy. Goodonya. Get us another stubbie while you’re up, will ya… and have one yourself while you’re at it!

Billy twirling lessons at half time in the footy!

6 responses to “Avago, Mate

  1. Ooooooer! I got two wrong … the rat with the gold tooth and the pig biting one.

    Correct answers: 18
    Incorrect answers: 2
    Comment: You’re a little ripper!
    You have a near perfect grasp of the colourful gab and can probably make yourself understood in most social occasions, such as Gazza’s weekly Barbie… but I bet you can’t throw a boomerang!

    They’re right … I can’t 😦


  2. Aye adago and….

    Correct answers: 16
    Incorrect answers: 4
    Comment: You’ll be apples! Well… nearly anyway.
    You will communicate fairly effectively with the native population, but they will still mutter “bloody yank” when you walk out of the pub.

    They’d be wrong about the “bloody yank” though…I’m a Canuck!

    Things I didn’t know (or couldn’t guess):

    * Chuck a wobbly
    * Bung it on
    * Strike a light
    * Being stodged


  3. 20/20 for the aussie nurse!


  4. Correct answers: 14
    Incorrect answers: 6
    Comment: You’re a battler. Not much of a one, mind… but getting there.
    You will have no trouble getting around, and understanding most things that are said to you. However avoid RSL clubs and old peoples homes, the nuances are lost on you.

    I think I better study some more before visiting. However, I *did* know the “the rat with the gold tooth and the pig biting one” so maybe with Buff’s help, I could get along.


  5. Well, that sounds like a very good idea, Marty … combining our mutual brilliance will certainly help. Funnily enough, my initial thought was how “American” both of those comments appeared to be. I honestly have never heard of them here.


  6. American? Ha. Must be somewhere else your thinking of — I’d never heard of ’em before either. I used the WAG system for most of the whole test.


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