Tag Archives: strine

Avago, Mate

I dares ya – avago at this one.

The Fair Dinkum, Ridgy Didge, Dinky die, True Blue, Dyed-in-the-wool, Let’s Talk Strine SAO Quiz!

Summary on my results –
Correct answers: 20    Incorrect answers: 0
Comment: You’re a bottler, mate!
You are a fair dinkum, ridgy didge, dinky die, true blue, dyed-in-the-wool Ocker-like strine speaker. Well bugger me, you could probably even play a didgeridoo and know the proper way to twirl a billy. Goodonya. Get us another stubbie while you’re up, will ya… and have one yourself while you’re at it!

Billy twirling lessons at half time in the footy!