Tag Archives: Europa

Cthulhu is Coming

We avoided G-hova’s Rapture last weekend.

Pastor Camping got the day right but the planet wrong.


There are now a lot of terrified Little Green Things swimming in the oceans of Europa, out Jupiter way. Not as many as before, but still quite a few.

The problem they had, which G-hova had overlooked was that the Bibles He passed on to the early Little Green Things kept dissolving in the water. It is very hard to have a library which is constantly underwater!

So when the righteous Little Green Things (Dammit – “LGT’s”) were all Raptured the remainder were not only confused but became convinced that the way to be safe was to be BAD. The living conditions have suddenly become absolutely atrocious. Think of a combination of Iran, Burma, Zimbabwe and Alabama.

They only have to endure these conditions for several months as November 21st will be here quite soon. The difficulty for the LTG’s is that there will be approximately 450 generations between now and then.

Meanwhile, here on Earth, there is another Second Coming which is growing ever closer. It will NOT be a Rapturous Time!