Return of the Ent

On the edge of the Swan, a tidal river.

These roots are made for walkin’.


7 responses to “Return of the Ent

  1. I know just how it feels, sometimes the urge to dabble toes in the water is irresistable…


  2. love your nature shots archie 🙂


  3. Truce, Your vision of dabbling their toes in the water is one which will remain with me every time I look at this image. 🙂

    nursemyra, thank you. This is the time of year my camera likes best because all of nature is renewing itself.


  4. Is that for real? Looks like they’ve been uprooted and plunked somewhere else. Amazing.


  5. Sehr geEhrter AerChie

    At last – I’ve find an issue on which I am not too embarrassed to announce a convergence of perception with Nurse Myra

    Well done – AerChie

    but is that Tree a good risk, if it wants to buy Life Insurance – if it escapes the attention of Orcs wandering around the Locality, will it survive the next Flood ?

    Your obedient servant etc

    G Eagle


  6. az, the winter storms have washed the sand away from those roots. It is an amazing sight. There is a row of about half a dozen trees with exposed roots. They do stop the erosion.

    Herr G eaGle, the reason I did not show the whole row of trees was because the orcs have filled the other tree roots with stray pastic bags and other pollution!


  7. These wRetched Homo pSeudo Sapiens & their Orc-Spirits

    As Christopher Robin’s mother muttered :

    “All I ask is a little consideration”

    Most of this rubbish could easily have been disposed of without creating randomly spread pollution

    G E


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